
DaCapo Problem

It's been a long time since I did any knitting on my DaCapo. Thing is; I've been worried about the gauge. Something told me it was wrong. So last night I decided to measure and count again, and I was right. 25sts and 50 rows shoul measure 10x10 cm, but in my knitting it only measures 9x9.5cm. So, what to do next; just pretend everything is alright and go on knitting and hope for the best, or start all over again? I've almost finished the back, so that's a lot of work done for nothing. But I guess better save than sorry....

Het is lang geleden dat ik iets aan mijn DaCapo gedaan heb. Probleem is dat ik me zorgen maak over de stekenverhouding. Een stemmetje zei me dat er iets niet in orde was. Dus gisteravond maar eens gaan meten en tellen, en inderdaad. 25st en 50nld zou 10x10cm moeten zijn, maar bij mij is het maar 9x9,5cm. Wat nu; gewoon net doen of er niets aan de hand is en doorgaan en er maar het beste van hopen, of verstandig zijn en overnieuw beginnen? Ik was bijna klaar met het rugpand, dus dat is een hoop werk voor niets. Twijfel, twijfel, twijfel...


Anonymous said...

Did you measure the piece lying or hanging?
It will hang out a little so you probaly will receive the right measurements.
You also may moisten the fabric after knitting and blocking it into space.

Melise said...

When you look at the schematic in the pattern it shows you the number of stitches you will be working. Do the math to figure out the dimensions you will end up with after using that many stitches, and make sure it will still fit you the way you want it to. It is important to get gauge with her patterns, but if you are almost done with the back, I would hate to think you have to rip the whole thing back again.